Internal MASTERMINDS: How Smart Talent Leaders Create Engagement and Pivot Organizational Culture
#1 International Best-Seller in Six Categories!
For visionary talent leaders and C-suite teams who truly believe that their people are their greatest assets.
To thrive as an agile organization in a constantly changing economic and technological environment, leaders need strategies and tools to simultaneously engage five generations of employees. Skills such as critical thinking, communication, and leadership are taught through professional development initiatives. Yet opportunities are needed for sustained practice and proficiency so that competencies become habits. A new culture emerges when employees contribute to innovation and workplace pivots for the future that is already here today.
In this book you will discover how to:
- Engage your staff as contributing stakeholders and make your talent development outcomes stick,
- Develop strong leaders who are instrumental in solidifying organizational culture, and
- Break down corporate silos so that employees communicate in a collaborate way.
As a result, your people will stay longer so that you retain more institutional knowledge and therefore contribute more-substantially to your bottom line. When everyone in your organization lives the culture more-deeply, they communicate better with each other, and better represent to your clients what it is you stand for.
Sylvia Henderson and Josh Silverstone are the founders of MindTeam Solutions, Inc. and the Idea MindTeam™ group platform. They bring their combined corporate training, management, sales, and entrepreneurial experience to leaders who want to create engagement and pivot culture so that their organization thrives.

Hey, That’s MY Idea! How to Speak Up and Get Recognized for What You Know and Think
For organizational professional development programs and individual career and business success.
A bazillion books about creativity and how to get ideas, communication and presentation skills, and how to sell line bookstore shelves and fill electronic storage. So what’s this book got that they haven’t got? IMPACT!
IMPACT(c) is a set of techniques, suggestions, and activities that will resonate with you if you have ever seen or heard someone else make good on an idea that you had, yet never carried through to completion. Whether your idea is a product, service, business, process, or other wonderful thing churning in your mind, this book will help you:
- Solidify your ideas into concrete expressions you can verbalize to others,
- Organize your thoughts and make your ideas clear and concise,
- Communicate your ideas with IMPACT(c),
- Create an action plan so that your ideas become reality, and
- Persuade others to act on your ideas.
Implement the guidance in this book to avoid losing your ideas to others. Be recognized for your contributions and never again hear yourself say, “Hey…That’s MY Idea!”

Download your One-Page Plan(c) Personal Worksheet here!
Your One-Page Plan(c) Personal Worksheet
For individual and organizational planning, strategy, and Idea MindTeam(r) programs.
Use this One-Page Plan(c) Personal Worksheet for yourself, or distribute copies to your organization for planning and strategy sessions. This is also a tool to use for your Idea MindTeam(r) sessions for planning and accountability. Use it often; use it regularly to achieve goals and visions like you never have before!
For organizational use and 24:7 visibility, contact MindTeam Solutions Inc. to schedule a consultation and to use the One-Page Plan(c) Poster (below).