Return to work. Back to work.
These phrases are highly-searched, intensely examined, and very important in the months ahead. Yet the misnomer in them is that most of us have been working all along! We’re not going back to work so much as adjusting to changing work norms.
Note that I write “work” instead of “workplace”. That’s intentional. Differentiating between these two words can help us set our mindset for and make decisions about dealing with the professional changes taking place in our worlds. My point is that “work” is what we do instead of a place we have to be. Keep this in mind as you negotiate about the conditions you want for your future work.
In our recent blogs, Josh has written about the return-to-office (or not) churn happening as staff, management, and executives hold differing viewpoints about physically being in offices and central business locations. As we move through the upcoming stages of Covid-19 challenges, I submit that prior to making drastic decisions about leaving a current job or position, consider framing requests around your optimal productivity conditions, suggestions for evaluating performance, and ideas for maintaining team collaboration that can work for everyone involved.
Keep in mind that as the pandemic situation changes daily, so too will we need to be flexible with procedures, policies, and edicts about what our work environments look and feel like. The adage about change being constant is hyper-relevant now.
Let me share one of the tactics I use when I am stressed about change and have to make crucial decisions during times of uncertainty. I back off a bit, take time to do something I enjoy, redirect my mind, and then return to the task at hand. Taking a focus break while keeping mentally active allows me to return to a fresh perspective.
I enjoy word puzzles. They don’t require a great deal of mental effort, induce the stress of competition, nor involve travel or other people. My gift to you today is a word puzzle for you to enjoy. After all, all work and no play are not fulfilling most times, let alone these changing ones. Take a break and have at it!
“Back-to-Work” Word Search Puzzle
Find the words in the puzzle. Words can go in any direction and can share letters as they cross over each other.