The MindTeam Solutions Blog
Over the years we’ve written hundreds of articles and we continue to write new ones periodically. Although some blogs are time sensitive, they all provide evergreen wisdom.
Effective Communications Tips for Success – Body Language
These tips are specific actions you can take to improve or fine-tune specific skills. In time and with patience, you should observe a measurable improvement in your presentation skills. Body Language • Make yourself approachable. Smile. Make eye contact. Act “naturally” rather than stiffly or exaggeratedly. • Move with purpose. Avoid jerky, quick, or repetitive
Know-It-All Attitude Fails to Know It All
If you think you know it all, then you probably don’t…and won’t. Here’s how to overcome a know-it-all attitude. Hint: Print and leave on the table of someone who does!
Workforce-Workplace Trends for 2019
Read the workforce & workplace trends predicted for 2019 by The Herman Group, and suggestions for staying ahead of and managing these trends.
Gratitude Advice from 400 Years Ago: Good for Building Happy Business Teams Today
What do William Bradford (1623 AD, Plymouth Colony governor), George Washington (1789, First U.S. President), and Abraham Lincoln (1863, 16th U.S. President) have in common from which you can learn today? Discover the business case for how gratitude, as a centuries-old concept, can lead to business growth today and into the future. READ THE FULL