The MindTeam Solutions Blog

Over the years we’ve written hundreds of articles and we continue to write new ones periodically. Although some blogs are time sensitive, they all provide evergreen wisdom.

Use Improv Principles to Run a Good Meeting and Not Offend Co-Workers

Twice within a few weeks we’ve come across articles that encourage using improvisational skills – interpersonal skills learned and practiced in comedy classes – to run good meetings and avoid offending co-workers. There must be something to this! 1. Some of the skills identified in THIS ARTICLE include: Start with a warm-up activity. Use “plussing”

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Five + One Books for Your Leadership and Executive Bookshelf

One of the most-effective ways to stay on top of business and people trends at your own pace is to read. We can’t imagine that you are where you are today in your business and career success without reading books, listening and viewing media, and taking advantage of professional development opportunities. To add to your

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Employee Engagement and Culture Change

Things like Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or Emotional Intelligence are more than trendy catchphrases or legalities.  When they become part of your culture, DEI and EI are the keys to your company’s growth, success and legacy.

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) steps that strengthen your team and boost your bottom line
  • How do you harness…and hold onto…your team’s Emotional Intelligence?
  • How to have Tough Conversations with positive outcomes
  • Rethinking Assessments so they actually work for your team and your organization