The MindTeam Solutions Blog
Over the years we’ve written hundreds of articles and we continue to write new ones periodically. Although some blogs are time sensitive, they all provide evergreen wisdom.
How To Gather Momentum Towards Your Goal
Are you so passionate about an issue that you want to create, or join, a movement? What happens to that movement after a few days, or weeks, or months? Does it die, fade into the background…or gain momentum? How do you make sure that momentum happens so that your movement; your mission; your idea doesn’t
Manager VS. Leader
Manager → a person who manages; esp. one who manages a business, institution, etc. Leader → a person who leads; directing, commanding or guiding head, as of a group or activity. Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language. William Collins + World Publishing Co., Inc. ISBN #0764565451. “Walk the job.” Get out among
Mind Gone Blank? Here’s What To Do!
Have you ever “gone blank” trying to think of a solution to a challenge you face, only to have a “duh! moment” when someone else suggests a solution to you? My message to you today comes from the very question I ask when my idea tank is empty and someone else gives me a great
Effective Leadership
An effective leader: L Listens. A leader attends to the needs and wants of her people. She listens to what people say verbally and what they communicate behind their words. Listening reveals the pulse of the organization, which is important to the decision-making process affecting the organization’s success. E Effectively communicates to people throughout all