Company Overview

MindTeam Solutions, Inc. is an organizational and talent development company that provides branded high-performance team programs to organizations whose leadership believe their people are their best assets for bottom-line success.

Problems We Address

  • Employee dis-engagement
  • Employee turnover (retention)
  • Communication within and across departments
  • Idea implementation
  • Organizational culture of founders not known, understood, or practiced by front-line staff
  • Diversity and inclusion – of thought and demographics
  • What CEOs want in employees

Our Solution

We implement Idea MindTeam™ group programs in organizations that enable staff at all levels to spend a specified period of time on a regular basis –typically monthly – to share ideas, make decisions, solve issues directly related to their work, practice leadership and communication skills, and contribute to the organization’s success and leaders’ desired outcomes.

Our Purpose

MindTeam Solutions’ founders experienced organizational cultures spanning from positive (valued, contributed, and loyal through 23 years at Fortune 50 and 500 corporations) – to – toxic (devalued, unappreciated, and left at first opportunity from a small firm).

Both Founders realized from a shared independent Idea MindTeam™ group experience that, when brought to organizations, such group structure can reinforce culture and core values, engage and retain staff, increase idea implementation that can cause profitable bottom lines, and enable investment in talent development to stick.

Business Plan & Financial Documents

If you are interested in receiving more information about our upcoming capital raise offering, please submit the information requested below:

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NDA Acknowledgment

  • According to SHRM (Society for Human Resources Management):
  • 51 % of the U.S. workforce are not engaged in their jobs (Gallup)
  • Disengaged employees cost organizations $450B — $550B; managers $77B — $96B annually (The Engagement Institute).
  • 47% of HR leaders cite employee turnover & retention as top challenge (Globoforce)
  • Customer retention rates — 18% higher when employees highly engaged (Cvent).
  • Engaged employees increase customer loyalty 233% & annual revenue 26 (Aberdeen); implemented programs increase profits by $2400/employee/year (Workplace Research Foundation).
  • 41% of employees strongly agree they know what their company stands for. A 10% improvement in employee connection with mission can reduce safety incidents 12.7%, decrease turnover 8.1%, and increase profits 4.4% (Gallup).

Employee Engagement and Culture Change

Things like Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or Emotional Intelligence are more than trendy catchphrases or legalities.  When they become part of your culture, DEI and EI are the keys to your company’s growth, success and legacy.

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) steps that strengthen your team and boost your bottom line
  • How do you harness…and hold onto…your team’s Emotional Intelligence?
  • How to have Tough Conversations with positive outcomes
  • Rethinking Assessments so they actually work for your team and your organization