The MindTeam Solutions Podcast
We have recorded over 60 podcasts on leadership, communication, and business. Some episodes include guests, but all include helpful nuggets so give them a listen.

Ep 45. Don’t Rationalize Yourself Off A Cliff
Shelley Row is committed to organizations, businesses, and individuals. In this episode Shelley talks about how she aims to improve decision-making by not overthinking. This

Ep 44. How To Make Quick Decisions And Act On Your Ideas
Overthinking, despite the anxiety it causes us, can be addictive because it gives us a false sense of control. But if we’re honest with ourselves,

Ep 43. How To Use Your Feelings To Stop Overthinking And Get Stuff Done
When we are stuck in a rut and can’t make a meaningful decision, we do too much thinking and not enough feeling. For this episode,

Ep 42. The One Thing You Need for A Great Virtual Meeting
Richard “Trigger” Bontrager, author of “Rock the Virtual Stage Show,” has made serving as center of attention into a science. The longtime TV host has

Ep 41. How To Become A Zoom Meeting Rockstar
One of the stranger effects of the Covid lockdown is the rapid rise of the Zoom meeting. Almost overnight, all of us became the hosts

Ep 40. Why Leadership Matters In Times Of Crisis
In the years between her first job at a small town shop to majority owner of A Few Cool Hardware Stores, she has successfully navigated

Ep 39. Discovering Your True Potential
Should we focus on developing skills for professional purposes or personal fulfillment? For Gina Schaefer, majority owner of A Few Cool Hardware Stores, our resumé

Ep 38. What Does Your Success Actually Look Like
From employee to co-owner to sole proprietor, Marsha Lindquist has seen entrepreneurship from practically every angle over her 30 year career. In her view, the

Ep 37. The Truth About How Business Affects Your Home Life
In this engaging episode, veteran financial strategist Marsha Lindquist gets personal. She shares the effect entrepreneurship has had on her personal life. She also talks