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Even as many of her contemporaries wistfully gaze back at 2019, Joyce Giola’s gaze toward tomorrow is unblinking. In the first installment of this two-part discussion, the acclaimed speaker and futurist took a hard look at the cascade of mismanagement that created our current crisis. In this follow-up segment, she explores a vision of a better future once the dust is finally settled. She also offers keen insight on what an America that lives up to its reputation might look like.
0:38 A Dose of Reality
Part II of this conversation opens with further background on her industry-shaping Herman Trend Alerts. The latest editions spotlight the COVID response and recovery effort in the United States, which have yielded mixed results at best. On this topic, Gioia emphasizes that any enduring economic recovery must have a public health component. Specifically, she advocates for increased testing and contact tracing so that outbreaks can quickly be identified and addressed. Only by defeating the pandemic wherever it lurks can any sense of “normal” flourish.
2:32 The World of Next Week
Asked to project an image of our immediate future, by all indications the future is now. Using an upcoming October conference as a model, the futurist expects that indoor mask mandates and other public health protocols will still be in place. With this in mind, she anticipates having to reconsider her outreach strategies to deliver an experience tailored for the times. From shared spaces to audience engagement, public practices will have to be reimagined. In Gioia’s view, the most dramatic changes to our lifestyles and practices will be those we make ourselves.
6:43 Squinting Further into the Future
Of course, even after the pandemic has come to a full conclusion, its effects will mark the way we live for generations. Health and sanitation have never been a bigger part of the public consciousness, and many things we once accepted as normal will one day soon be practically unimaginable. Medical care and treatment will benefit from obvious advances, but the effects may render the future into truly unfamiliar forms. The ripple effects could be surprising: Gioia even anticipates cashless and prepaid transactions sending ATMs the way of the pay phone.
8:12 Social Restructuring
Perhaps the most profound legacy of the COVID crisis will be the collective evaluation of social priorities. After months of inactivity to consider every aspect of modern life, individuals are coming to new and provocative conclusions about their place in the world. Gioia points to the renewed enthusiasm for family life, with the workplace losing some social status as a provider of fulfillment. Families and friends are treasuring the time they have together more. Indeed, the tragedies of our time have inspired a renewed appreciation for the people we choose.

Connect with Joyce Gioia:
Website: https://www.hermangroup.com/joyce_bio.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/joycegioia?lang=en
Connect with MindTeam Solutions:
Website: https://ca.linkedin.com/company/mindteamsolutions
Email: Info@MindTeamSolutions.com