Reaching Long Term Goals & Achieving Success

Are you great at setting goals, stating intentions, making resolutions, and creating plans?


A large percentage of my work is helping people get, or gain clarity & focus with their ideas.

This time I’m talking to those of you who have that part down pat.

You’ve figured out what you want and where you’re going, and you’re in action towards getting there.

If you’re a company Founder or organization leader, you have strategy sessions and project plans in place for business development.

Now here’s my next question…and your answer – if you’re truthful with yourself or your team – will reveal how satisfied you are with your progress.

How consistently – or continually – do you STAY in action before you divert from your path, get discouraged and stop, or allow that bright shiny object to distract you?

So…you’re a goal-SETter and GO-getter.

You’ve set your specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-noted goals.

You’re in action and realizing results.

Others perceive you to be a mover and shaker; someone who has gotten it together.

Yet, in YOUR estimation, you’re not moving forward fast enough, or consistently enough, for what you intended.

Believe me, I know how that feels on many accounts.

It’s that silent, within yourself, gut-punch feeling when you KNOW what to do, and you ARE in purposeful action – more than many people you know – yet you still find yourself in what I call “engine stalled” condition.

Performance, business, and life coaches often quote statistics about sticking to goals. I’ve heard that fresh goals set one month fizzle out before you turn the calendar to the next month’s cute-puppy photo. According to the Brain Research Institute, 45% of Americans drop action towards their goals within 30-to-60 days, and fewer than 10% actually achieve their original goals.

I’m going to give you a key to your ignition circuitry so that when you press your “re-start” button you’ll be a “GOAL-GETTER” and beat the statistics.

Your goal is your idea, realized. It’s your DESTINATION. You already know that if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll most likely end up somewhere else. So goal-SETTING is still a first step.

To be a goal-GETTER, your remaining, day-to-day over-the-long-term focus must be on your JOURNEY. Break-up your long-term goals into smaller, short-term milestones by working backward from your destination to where you are now. Set month-to-month milestones that keep you “on-path” throughout your complete journey.

Vision boards, visualizing success, having faith, or “putting it out there” won’t lead to the results you want to achieve IN AND OF THEMSELVES. You’ve got to take meaningful, targeted action to get from point A to point Z.

Identify and document points B-through-Y – monthly (or other time periods) milestones – so that you or your team realize continual successes that keep you in purposeful action over the long-term.

Besides, you create more reasons to celebrate your progress!

The very definition of a milestone is a stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place. You see them all the time on our American interstate highways, only now they’re mostly numbered signs on the road or dots on your GPS system.

When you set your action-and-results milestones to guide your journey towards your goal destination, you consistently – and continually – stay, or correct to get back on-course, remain motivated and shatter those bright shiny objects that can distract you.

I have a tool that helps my clients – and me – stay on course, long-term. My One-Page Plan™ is visual, on view 24:7 rather than sitting on a shelf, is flexible enough to allow for market changes and new opportunities and has enabled us to achieve a higher percentage of our long-term goals than we ever achieved before using the tool. Let me guide you through developing YOUR One-Page Plan™ for yourself or your organization so that you transform your ideas and become goal-GETTERS!

**Watch the Video


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Employee Engagement and Culture Change

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