What Is A Management Development Program?
This is an example timeline and milestones of implementing a leadership development program in your organization. Depending on your needs, goals, and budget we will customize this to you. In the event you need to scale back or you’re already running engagement surveys, we can eliminate that service. Additionally, your program can be scaled up with more live training, strategic planning, and management consulting. If you have a key manager who is motivated to develop further and faster, we can support them with 1-on-1 coaching and a 360 interview.
Our approach to leadership development entails more than “just training”. We have a menu of options for a leadership program that can include:
-Talent insight assessments for self awareness and team cohesion
-Debrief with the group on assessments results and meaning
-Train a facilitator to run mastermind style groups
-Checkpoints for facilitator with facilitator coordinator
-Provide courses, leadership journal, and supporting content to facilitator and managers
-Content topics include: Communication Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Resilience and Overcoming Challenges, Managing Priorities, and Best Practices for Leading Remotely (to name a few)

Month 1 – [Program Pre-Launch]
-Strategize with executive team to define goals and objectives
-Work with project teams to develop the program and scope of work
-Communicate the plan and present the opportunity to your staff
Month 2 – [Organizational Survey]
-Evaluate the sentiment about what people think about the culture and workplace
-Understand if your people are happy and hear what they would improve
-Information gathered informs change and development programs
Month 2/3 – [Idea MindTeam Facilitator Training/Certification]
-Train facilitators
-Practice leadership competencies through facilitation
-Acquire transferable skills for leading groups outside of Idea MindTeams(R)
Month 3/4 – [Individual Assessments]
-Creates a foundation for individual self awareness and emotional intelligence
-Better understanding of self and then others improves baseline communication
-Data provides unbiased context for area of improvement they can see and commit to
Months 5 – 11 – [Training & Group Facilitation]
-Monthly topics include communication skills, emotional intelligence, prioritization, etc.
-Content is provided through online videos, written journals. etc.
-Certified facilitator manages the group so it’s purposeful and productive
Month 12 – [ROI Conversation]
-What did you get most out of the program?
-What surprised you most during this program?
-What are you going to continue working on moving forward?
When Vanguard & ALF were in search of a partner for development for our middle managers, MindTeam Solutions hit it out of the ballpark. They successfully paired their coaches with our managers to maximize the highest impact on their business relationship. That relationship cultivated trust with our managers creating an environment in which our managers accepted feedback and had a sounding board to ensure their results continued to align with the business goals.
This relationship and output was so wildly successful that our managers wanted to continue the development at their own cost. That is an incredible impact! MindTeam’s performance has created a long term business partnership for our company not only due to their results but the frequency of communication, listening, being curious and balancing the confidentiality between their clients and business. Looking forward to the future as MindTeam’s tools are a great fit for our business.”
~Wendy Richards, Chief Human Resources Officer

Want to develop great internal facilitators who run innovation groups that support business and individual growth?
Tell us more about your culture and priorities by requesting a complimentary 30 minute introductory call.