1. Know yourself – your own strengths and weaknesses.
2. Integrity is the most important characteristic of a leader. Without integrity, there is nothing else.
3. Avoid self-promotion. (Let others do it for you.)
4. Keep your promises. Do what you say you will do.
5. Identify the leadership traits you admire in those you consider great leaders. Emulate them. Identify the traits you resent in those you consider poor leaders. Be the opposite of them.
6. Manage your own time effectively and maintain a balance between professional and personal demands. Help others to do the same.
7. Read. Take leadership guidance from experienced leaders you trust.
8. Realize that some of the best resources on leadership are not about business or government leaders; they are about “real people” who triumph over adversity.
9. The rewards of leading come primarily from within [yourself].
10. Close your eyes. If you feel “right” and your heart is at peace; if you can breathe deeply and slowly and feel calmness flow through you; then however difficult your reality, you can rest assured you have followed your truest path.