The MindTeam Solutions Blog

Over the years we’ve written hundreds of articles and we continue to write new ones periodically. Although some blogs are time sensitive, they all provide evergreen wisdom.

How To Convey Ideas Effectively

Your ideas have to make sense in order to make cents. Or dollars. Or millions of dollars! Make sense to make cents? What does THAT mean, speaking of making sense? Well, this is a story of an all-too-typical situation. You’re in a meeting. You have an idea and you bring it up at the meeting.

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Chesapeake Women’s Network bolsters female-owned businesses

GRASONVILLE — The luncheon held by the Chesapeake Women’s Network of Queen Anne’s County Thursday, Sept. 13, was an opportunity to not only mingle but also to strategize. The event, held at Harris Crab House, was attended by nearly 50 individuals all looking to expand their contacts and hear from author and successful business owner,

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Bring Ideas To Fruition – Here’s How To Make Your Ideas Happen!

Ever see a fish doing push-ups? I heard a saying that “transformation without action is like a fish doing push-ups”. So if there’s no such thing as a fish doing push-ups, then there’s little chance that transformation – whether your business, career, or life – will happen without your taking action. Snapping your fingers, or

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Employee Engagement and Culture Change

Things like Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or Emotional Intelligence are more than trendy catchphrases or legalities.  When they become part of your culture, DEI and EI are the keys to your company’s growth, success and legacy.

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) steps that strengthen your team and boost your bottom line
  • How do you harness…and hold onto…your team’s Emotional Intelligence?
  • How to have Tough Conversations with positive outcomes
  • Rethinking Assessments so they actually work for your team and your organization