The MindTeam Solutions Blog

Over the years we’ve written hundreds of articles and we continue to write new ones periodically. Although some blogs are time sensitive, they all provide evergreen wisdom.

I’d Rather Quit Than Return To The Office

Over the past year and a half, many office workers have figured out a few things. First and foremost, employees are just as productive from home as they are from the office; some studies suggest even more. Secondly, that flexibility is perhaps the most important benefit they can receive from their employer.  There are an

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Together We Go Far

​​Today, I facilitated a group of employees who are building equity and inclusion in their workplace as union ambassadors – the topic was engagement and intrinsic motivation. We talked about the value of setting goals, goal-setting behavior, and the power of accountability partners (i.e. inclusion) in staying motivated.  Often, when we discuss goals and I

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What’s Your Stretch?

Muscles and physical fitness analogies pervaded my last letter.  In this letter I’m writing about stretching. Am I a “gym rat”? Noun. 1. gym rat – someone who spends all of his/ her leisure time playing sports or working out in a gymnasium or health spa. – someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it

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Develop The Muscle To Lead Difficult Conversation

My muscles are very much on top of my mind as I’ve been working with a personal trainer lately. He somehow leads me to find muscles I never knew I had each week we work together. It’s amazing how much easier and more fun it was to gain weight and lose muscle function over fourteen

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Employee Engagement and Culture Change

Things like Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or Emotional Intelligence are more than trendy catchphrases or legalities.  When they become part of your culture, DEI and EI are the keys to your company’s growth, success and legacy.

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) steps that strengthen your team and boost your bottom line
  • How do you harness…and hold onto…your team’s Emotional Intelligence?
  • How to have Tough Conversations with positive outcomes
  • Rethinking Assessments so they actually work for your team and your organization