The MindTeam Solutions Blog
Over the years we’ve written hundreds of articles and we continue to write new ones periodically. Although some blogs are time sensitive, they all provide evergreen wisdom.

Quotations About (and for) Idea MindTeams(R), Mastermind Groups, & Power of the “3rd Mind”
Power of the “Third Mind” “The coordination of knowledge & effort between 2 or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony. No 2 minds ever come together without thereby creating a 3rd, invisible, intangible force, which may be liked to a 3rd mind, also known as the master mind.”

Get Comfortable With Change & Mental Health
I believe it’s healthy to acknowledge that we are all living through challenging times as we face many obstacles amid uncertainty and change. Personally and professionally, we’re being tested to meet expectations while trying to maintain some boundaries. For office workers and employees, they’re rethinking altogether whether it is worth it for them to work

As New Generations Arrive, Culture Changes. Will You Stay Relevant?
As I consult with organizational leaders on change, corporate culture, and how to effectively lead in uncertain times, I have to occasionally perform my own self-check of my perspectives. I’ve faced the person holding onto past standards and she is me! I am a product of corporate America of the late 1970’s-through-1990’s. Not only am

Ball of Confusion – That’s What We Lead Through Today, Hey Hey!
The lyrics to a 1970 Temptations song read in part: People moving out, people moving in Why, because of the color of their skin Run, run, run but you sure can’t hide An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth Vote for me and I’ll set you free Rap on, brother, rap on