The MindTeam Solutions Blog
Over the years we’ve written hundreds of articles and we continue to write new ones periodically. Although some blogs are time sensitive, they all provide evergreen wisdom.

Trending: Offices Are Going “Old School”. Idea MindTeams Needed!
I’m seeing a trend towards “old school” work-at-the-office situations (like my former employer – IBM!) and towards corporate execs having their own offices rather than residing out in the “bullpen”. This article from the Wall Street Journal’s Jason Gay this morning appropriately summed-up a general feeling I sense from the employee-side of my clients! If

9 Ways to Get Past Roadblocks to Implement Your Ideas
You’ve likely heard the saying, “Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.” But if you did take it for an answer in the past, it’s possible you never saw your idea or plan through to a successful completion. No matter where you travel in life or what you accomplish, there are always roadblocks and naysayers ready